For Time:
2000/1600 Row.
12 Minute Cap.
At the start, perform 1 burpee. On
the next minute perform 2 burpees.
Continue with this pattern until the
row is completed.
Click HERE for 20.4 video!
Attention: Exciting news as we are starting our Helo Teen’s class on Monday through Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for teenagers aged 13-17! An unlimited month is $90 or a 10 pass punch card for $80! Talk to Coach Alecio or Coach Kyle if you have questions! Also, we are bringing back the monthly extra work challenges (started by the Bloxhams) which will now have 2 parts – a physical and a new mental component! For the month of November – we will be doing: 1. a 24,000 meter row (the Turkey Row does not count but this will be great preparation), and 2. A positivity and no complaining aspect! If you complete the challenge, you will be entered into a raffle for a prize each month and there will be a sign up at the box! Finally, as a reminder please get your scores submitted for the Open and 20.4!