Tuesday 11/5/19


AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Dumbbell Deadlifts 50/35,
15 Push-ups on Dumbbells,
10 Dumbbell Rows.

Attention:  This Friday is our final Open Wod – Waffle Love will be there from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. so come hungry! Nate from Vast Chiropractic will be there as well.  Also, if you did the Open, you are in the running for the raffle for a 6 month free membership or a custom rogue bar but you must be there in person to win the prizes! Further, for upcoming events, make sure you get the Helo Thanksgiving Turkey Marathon Row on your Calendar and the Helo Christmas White Elephant Bingo Party will be on Saturday, December 14th this year so plan accordingly!
