AMRAP In 10 Minutes:
25 Meter Banded March*,
8 Clean & Jerks 135/95,
50 Double-Unders.
*25 Meters Forward and Then Backwards.
Attention: It was great having everyone come in and get pictures with KP tonight! Last day of the Challenge so turn in your logs at end of the night (Tuesday). If you haven’t gotten your measurements and after pictures done yet – Julia will be there from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. getting the last of the measurements taken care of! If you think you are in the running, please send 3 before pics (unedited) and 3 after pics to Julia at julia@crossfithelo.com by end of the night (Tuesday) because she compiles everything for the Coaches’ dinner on Winner where the winners are determined.