It’s Time!
5 Rounds
:30 Bike For Calories,
4:30 Rest.
Score is total calories for all rounds.
Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Preston.
A little Preparedness plus a little Fish talk.
“One of the most inconsiderate things a person can do is waste a captive audiences’ time, followed closely by their own.When you think about the energy you put into your passions, remember you are both presenting and attending.” What does this mean?
I came across this thought on Instagram (@derekwoodske), and it really made me think. I liked it the first time I read it, but I could not quite figure out why? So, I thought about it and tried to play it out in my own life. I considered my passions and how I show up. I thought about CrossFit, Fly fishing, Daddy-ing, Husband-ing, Working……etc.
I thought about being prepared to coach as to not waste any member’s time. I thought about being prepared, as to not waste my own time. If I show up without prior preparation then I am wasting everyone’s time, including my own. You don’t get the full benefit of what class could be if I am not prepared (presentation), and I don’t benefit fully from being there (attendance) because I brought nothing with me but empty headspace. Or if I turn the tables in this situation, maybe someone is not prepared to come and listen to the coach to gain the full benefit of the workout? In this case, they are attending, but not presenting themselves to the situation so they can learn from it (When you think about the energy you put into your passions, remember you are both presenting and attending). Each moment in life can be an opportunity to learn, grow and become better, but we have to be open and prepared for a moment. Otherwise, it is just time passing by.
I also incorporated these words into fly fishing quite nicely. If this is my own life happening for me, then the fish in the river are there for me as well. They showed up so I could catch them. If I approach the river without prior preparation, then I am wasting the fish’s time as well as my own. I had a contradicting thought when I pictured this. “Well I am still there, out in nature, enjoying myself, cleansing my soul ..…. So, I am benefiting from the experience.” Well yes, I am, but did I come there to not catch fish? No, I undoubtedly came there to hook up. So, ultimately, I can be doing something I am passionate about, but still not reap the full benefits of it because I didn’t prepare. Any fly fisherman (or fisherwoman) would understand that if you show up on a river with a box full of sub surface flies and the fish are feeding on the top of the water (even if you catch a fish or two), you are wasting your time. The catch is so much sweeter when it happens on the surface. The same rules apply in reverse. If I show up with only dry flies (above surface), and the fish are franticly feeding 8ft under, then my chances of not catching anything, are almost guaranteed. If only I would have read up on the river reports and brought the correct tools (in either situation), then my chances for success would be far greater. Ever heard the phrase “Going through the motions”? Well, if you are not prepared to both attend and present, then you are just going through the motions.
Now that I have bored you with way too much fish talk; I challenge you to read the quote above and think about it like I did. It may help you figure out where you are falling short in different areas of your own life. Maybe if we were all a little more prepared when it comes to our relationships, fitness, diet, sleep, jobs etc. we will utilize ours’ and other’s time; rather than possibly wasting it?
As always, thank you for reading!
Coach Preston