“Fight Gone Bad”
Three 5 minute rounds of:
Wall-balls 20/14,
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75/55,
Box Jump 20″ box,
Push-press 75/55,
Row Calories.
1 minute rest between rounds. Total number of reps is your final score.
Hugh asked to do this Wod for his b-day!
Click here to view previous FGB scores 11/8/13
Congratulations to Levi, Mike, and Parker who all went up to Park City this weekend and participated in the CrossFit Park City Meltdown! Welcome Ben Smith this week as we would like to implement him as a coach and would appreciate feedback! Ben has his CrossFit level 1, CrossFit Mobility and Endurance Certifications, in addition to having taken the Freestyle Connection Movement Seminar with Coach Carl Paoli. As always please keep your coaches informed of any ailments you might have and different scaling needs.