3 Rounds for reps:
One minute of front squats 115/75,
One minute rest,
One minute of chest to bar pull-ups,
One minute rest,
One minute of power snatches 115/75,
One minute rest.
Attention: First, our CF Helo team finished 75th in our Region for the CF Open (well above our top 100 goal!) which we are so excited about! Second, your Top 3 Overall Performers for the 2017 CF Open are as follows: Male: 1. Emmanuel Godoy; 2. Alecio Mejia; and 3. Trent Christensen; Female: 1. Jessica Smith; 2. Stacy Otteson; and 3. Stefanie Bloxham! Finally, your Top Overall Performers in the Masters Divisions are as follows: 35-39 Male: 1. Alecio Mejia; Female: 1. Tara Rintamaki; 40-44 Male: 1. Travis Rees; Female 1. Bobbi Rice; 45-49 Female: 1. Corey Christensen; 55-59 Male: 1. Joel Hutchings; Female 1. Lisa Zimmerman!