For quality and load.
Work up to 1 rep max clean and jerk.
Then “Grace”:
30 clean and jerks for time 135/95.
6 Minute time cap.
At CrossFit Helo we emphasize mobilization and encourage members to do lots of mobility exercises. Mobility is much more then just “stretching”. It’s taking care of joints, ligaments and tendons. Having good mobility is important in life and its the first thing that goes when we start to live a stagnate lifestyle. Being able to move through full ranges of motion in both Crossfit and life is key. It keeps us safe, makes us strong and protects us from injury. One of the greatest benefits of Crossfit is that it should be increasing your flexibility and mobility. I’m already seeing vast improvement in many member’s movements as their mobility and flexibility increases. Whether its with a band, ball, foam roller, bar or any other aid or perhaps more aptly titled “torture device” we use – make sure you take it seriously and get some actual work done during our mobility time. It’s not always comfortable nor should it be. Treat it as a time to improve your body, whether it is to assist in healing or push it to move in a new way – your body will thank you for it.