Monday 9/11/17


9/11 Tribute Wod
For time:
2001 Meter row,
11 Box Jumps 30/24,
11 Thrusters 125/85,
11 Burpee chest to bar pull-ups,
11 Power cleans 170/120,
11 Handstand push-ups,
11 Kettlebell swings 70/53,
11 Toes to bar,
11 Deadlifts 170/120,
11 Push jerks 110/75,
2001 Meter run.
35 Minute cap!
Click HERE for past results.

Attention: Thank you to all who donated and/or who did the fundraising wod to support Marcus at CrossFit West Jordan – we raised over $1000.00! A reminder that our 4th year anniversary BBQ is this Saturday at 4 p.m. – there will be a food sign-up on the Board. Also, nominations for 6 months free CrossFit that will be given away at the BBQ are due by Thursday! Finally, our hats came in so come pick them up ($30 if pre-ordered – $35 otherwise).  That said, the black ones we have had to request a new order of (they will be here Sept. 24th) because the stitching is goofed on the ones we got. Even though we are getting new ones, we were told we get to keep the defective ones – so we will be selling the black ones for $10 at the box – first come first serve! 
