Monday 9/18/17


4 Rounds for time:
12 Overhead squats 95/65,
6 Muscle-ups.
10 Minute cap.

Attention: First, our 4th Year Anniversary BBQ was a big success with Dallas receiving the most nominations with seven and winning the 6 months free membership prize! We thank everyone who came and made it a lot of fun, including those that came early to help set it up and take it down – with a special thanks to Krystal for bringing the pictures and items to make the ceramic photo tiles/coasters for each of the members who attended, to the Bloxhams for the new clip box,  and to GayLyn and Christine for the tables and chairs!!! Second, Alecio will be putting up extra work again on the board for those that want it, and third, or finally, there are some older bands that are being taken out of the rotation at the box and they are being sold for $5 dollars at the box.
