Wednesday 10/31/18


Front Squat Or Back Squat
Build in weight and go heavy.
Then Ab Pyramid.
10 Minute Cap.

Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Julia.  

Leadership, Honor, and Integrity in the Box. 

In a box, I believe we all can aspire to demonstrate qualities that better ourselves and also positively affect our community through – Leadership, Honor, and Integrity.  

Sam Walton discussed leadership as follows: “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel.  If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” 

Sophocles addressed honor and said: “I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”  Marcus Cicero stated: “When are you are aspiring to the highest place, it is honorable to reach the second or even the third rank.”

And C.S. Lewis stated: “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching[,]” while Socrates said: “Be as you wish to seem”, and William Wordsworth wrote that: “The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.” 

In Helo, I feel like I see examples of leadership, honorable and integrous acts happening all the time, and I wonder if other people notice this as well.  I notice Coach Alecio giving a positive word to members, whether it is that they can get a PR with a lift, or that they could do well in a competition, I see Coach Manny telling someone else when they assume that he went RX and is raving about how amazing of a time it was, that he scaled that day for his injury, and he didn’t let the other athlete get the wrong impression.  I see one member holding another member’s baby (or bringing their child a ball when they ask repeatedly for it:) all the time, and members putting other member’s weights away, or cleaning up the kids room when they know it wasn’t their child that made the mess … I see a lot of small examples of each of these three principles that largely go unnoticed on almost a daily basis, and I think it is wonderfully inspiring.  

I also see times when members have the choice to admit they lost count of their reps, or when they are complimented on improvements, and most of the times, they admit their error (i.e. that they accidentally forgot or that it was Coach Ben or Alecio that helped teach them a technique or skill) … but every now and then a member will waiver or make up a number, or they take full credit for something and choose not to include the fact that one of the coaches spent a lot of time helping them, etc. and that is unfortunate because it minimizes all of the other days when they have worked so hard.  

In contrast, members that lead with honor and with integrity will graciously not mention the fact that a time seems impossible in comparison to others, and they will focus on their own best effort next time.  Or one of the kids from the Kids’ classes will pick up  the piece of trash that didn’t make it into the garbage can and let me know, or a member will bring in a little present unexpectedly for someone going through a hard time.  We have many quiet leaders at Helo, where there is a positive word extended, the decision to attend a Helo event to show support or friendship, or even going to other member’s personal events because it is important to them and they do so with a smile.  

Watching the competition this weekend and seeing so many of you compete so hard, without any issues about cheating, or shaving reps, or not meeting the standard was a delight.  Moreover, then seeing each of you being gracious in your placings, regardless of where they fell, and happy with your accomplishments and that of your partner’s, was wonderful and a compliment to the character of each of you.  Not to mention the treats that were brought and the general feeling of pitching in or helping in wherever needed, just made it a great success.  Seeing coaches volunteering their own time to participate or judge, just felt like several acts of love towards each of our members that you can’t buy.   Alecio and I were so proud of each and every person that attended, whether it was as an athlete, spectator, or judge, because you represented the three principles I identified above within Helo, and we couldn’t ask for more.

I hope that we will all continue to strive to uphold those principles and as the upcoming winter months come up that we will continue to be charitable and caring with those small and unremembered acts of kindness and of love to all of our fellow members within the box, but also towards those in the community at large, where we hope you will contribute to charitable events, and continue to lead by strong example as it builds trust and a level of respect that will carry on for years to come.  

Thank you for reading as always and we are grateful for you.  


Coach Julia

Attention:  Happy Halloween and remember in the evening that we are only having the 4:30 p.m. wod so everyone can go home and enjoy Trick-or-Treating and/or handing out candy! Be safe and watch out for little munchkins on the roads!
