Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Julia.
Being the Butterfly and the Glue Person.
As I stand here typing at our laptop on New Year’s Day, thinking over my goals (or intentions as some prefer) for 2019, it seemed fitting that I write about this topic and encourage each of you to consider it as an athlete within the sport of CrossFit and as a valued person within our box – as each person’s presence and mood directly contributes to the environment at Helo each and every day, in each and every class.
On a flight to Portland, Oregon, I read a book to assist and put me in the right mindframe to present to a potential national client. It was called “The Happiness Advantage – How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life.” There were several positive principles included based on various recognized research sources and a few specific ideas that I felt applied to all of us at CF Helo – coaches and members alike.
The first principle was that of being the Butterfly. Leaders recognize that they cannot force everyone to be best friends but they can encourage everyone around them to demonstrate mutual respect and have a positive attitude. It is said that our brain “… can read and identify an emotion in another person’s face within 33 milliseconds, and then just as quickly prime us to feel the same[.][] … Unfortunately, the power of emotional contagion means that overt negativity can affect a group of people almost instantly.” See pg. 205 (footnote omitted). Fortunately, “positive emotions are also contagious, which makes them a powerful tool in our quest for high performance … [and] the happier everyone is around you, the happier you will become”. See pg. 206. The book goes on to address how “some people have a more powerful effect on a group’s emotional tone then others.” What this means is that those that take small steps in practicing gratitude, engaging in positive social connections, and taking genuine steps to show others that they care, end up instilling positive mindsets and habits into those around them. These types of people are Butterflies and fall under the Butterfly Effect, where it is said “that a single butterfly flapping its wings can create a hurricane halfway around the world” because the small gust of wind can start a chain reaction picking up speed and power. See pg. 209. So, try to be the Butterfly and practice tiny acts of positivity in the box to create a happy environment for all.
The second principle is slightly harder to define and is the idea of being the Glue Guy (we will say Glue Person to be politically correct). These are the people who may be the heart and soul of a thriving business. “In sport, these people are called ‘glue guys.’ As the Wall Street Journal has explained, this type of player ‘quietly holds winning teams together … In the high-stakes environment of professional sports, teams can disintegrate in a hurry under the pressure. Glue guys keep players stuck together at those tough moments when it is most tempting to let go.”See pgs. 187-188 (in pertinent part only). In my experience, Alecio is the first person who came to mind when I thought of who was a Glue Person at our box, whether it his quiet programming over the years or his most recent participation on our Co-Ed Helo soccer team, I constantly see him quietly calming and focusing his teammates and athletes so that they perform at their best (whether they recognize it or not). So, in that vein, I also encourage each of us to aim to be a Glue Person at our box as well as in the community – one who quietly holds people together when times get tough with a positive word or attitude to ensure we all leave feeling better for our efforts.
Finally, it should be noted that the book is based on the premise that happiness leads to success, not the other way around. (i.e. if you are genuinely happy, without seeking praise or acting for ulterior motives, than successes will naturally follow. The book points out that if you instead, volunteer to do an event or take on some extra responsibility with the need for someone to praise you for that success or recognize it in some obvious way, than that will not lead to happiness).
As a result, I will leave you with this, try to take small positive steps and be the Butterfly or the Glue Person in the box every time you are there, or to those around you in your workplace or home, and even if you make just one person smile, and no one else notices that you actively tried to be happy – you are bound to enjoy far greater success and happiness in the long run!
Thanks for reading and I hope your 2019 is an awesome year!
Coach Julia
Attention: On Thursday night at 6:30 p.m., Julia will be doing the talk for the Challenge starting on Monday, January 7th, 2019 and going through to Valentine’s Day. You do need to attend the talk if you are doing the Challenge (Coaches or athletes all need to attend) even if you have done one of the challenges before. If you are not at your goal weight, if you want to lean out, if you want to just feel better and look forward to doing great as you head into the Open – then you should do this Challenge! If you can’t make it this Thursday, Julia will be doing the talk again on Saturday, January 5th, at 10 a.m. You also need to get your before measurements and photos done (they need to be done at Helo to be in the running for the prizes), and payment in ($25 per person) by Monday.