Wednesday 5/29/19


Calories On Bike,
Over-Unders 24/20,
Slam Balls,
1 Minute Rest Between Rounds.
Score Is Total Reps .
Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds
of work followed by a 10 second break.

Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Stef. 

Know Your Season.

I recently read an article by Adee Cazayoux (Working Against Gravity) about knowing your season and where you are in it. She runs a nutrition program and her husband Michael is heavily involved with Brute Strength, and between these two they really know their stuff. With her running the nutrition side of things of course the article was based on nutrition but it also got me thinking a lot more than just that.

Knowing your season means you have to be aware and prepared for your busy season. Now I know 90% of you just said in your head “ yeah right, I don’t have an off season” or “when am I not busy” we will talk about that in a minute- but first I want you to seriously think…. When is your busy season? For me- it is baseball season, for others it might be football season, or maybe it is no season at all- it could be a certain quarter at work. Whatever it might be just keep that in mind. Now during those times are you so hard on yourself that sometimes you just want to throw in the towel? “I ate like crap today”, “I’ve only made it into the gym once this week.” I have heard this, and I have said it to myself before. I would encourage you to meet yourself where you are at. If once a week at the gym is all you can do to keep your life in order…. Then I can’t wait to see you that ONE time during the week. I hope you are met with a smile that says “we are happy to have you here whenever you can make it”. What I am asking,  is for you not to throw the towel in. Do what you can and know that IT IS ENOUGH!

Next point of discussion is being too busy. I think we have had it beaten into us that if we aren’t busy or don’t have plans, we must not be very important. Couldn’t be further from the truth! As I have racked up a few years behind me I have learned the powerful word NO. If it puts too much of a strain on my family or myself to make it to something, it’s simple- it is a NO. I was raised where you should say yes to everything to make others happy, and now that I have my own family, I see how damaging that can be. If we say yes to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE of course you are busy, but does that make you more valuable? There is a reason the flight attendants tell you to put on your mask BEFORE you help another get theirs on. You will have no value if you pass out from trying to help someone else before you help yourself. Saying yes to everyone else is the same as putting your oxygen mask on last. Stop saying yes to everything and you will notice a little more free time. 

In closing I want to say…. Everyone is busy. Let’s work on not making ourselves “toxic busy”. If you are in your busy season, then clamp down and weather the storm. If your season is just around the corner, do all you can to prepare for what’s ahead. Make freezer meals, plan ahead with a friend or coworker to stay accountable. Say no when it is too much, people will still be your friend- and if they aren’t, they probably weren’t a real friend in the first place. It’s also ok to ASK FOR HELP! 

P.S. Anyone available to come help me pack? Just kidding, not for another week or two! For those who have not heard, our family will be moving to North Carolina at the end of the summer. Let’s have a good time and make some memories until then!

Thanks for reading! 


Coach Stef 

Attention: Last chance to sign up for the Mountain Meltdown on June 8th – click HERE for workouts and to sign up! The deadline is this Friday, the 31st! You can still use our discount – also, the wods have been posted if you want to look at the workouts then click on the link or to sign up – there is an RX (gnarly) and a scaled (elements) division.  We have booked a bus to take athletes and spectators up and back from Helo as well for $12 per person (more peeps per person the price goes down for them:)) If you do sign up – the Helo individuals are all going at 12:50 p.m.!
