Monday 9/31/19


15 GHD Sit-ups,
5 Strict Press 115/75,
-Rest 5-
10 Toes To Bar,
10 Front Squats 115/75,
-Rest 5-
5 Bar Facing Burpees,
15 Hang Cleans 115/75.
Score is total reps.


Announcements: First, the CrossFit Open starts on Oct. 10th and we want to step it up and show our Helo members some love! We are excited to announce that if you sign up for the Open and do all of the wods (either scaled or RX), in addition to a drawing for a Rogue bar, we will be raffling off a 6 month Free membership!!! Wow!!! Second, CF Helo now has a YouTube channel – so if you go to it you can now watch all the past Open videos and we will be updating it throughout Open and the rest of the year! Click HERE to see the 19.1 video!