Saturday 8/16/14
WOD 5 Rounds for time: 50 Double-unders, 20 Foot handstand walk. Every time you break on the handstand walks there is a 100 meter run penalty. If you can’t walk on you hands, the scale will be 12 handstand push-ups.
WOD 5 Rounds for time: 50 Double-unders, 20 Foot handstand walk. Every time you break on the handstand walks there is a 100 meter run penalty. If you can’t walk on you hands, the scale will be 12 handstand push-ups.
WOD For time: 21-18-15-12-9 reps of, Front squat 95/65, Weighted abmat sit-ups, Sumo dead-lift high pull 95/65.
WOD “Helen” 3 Rounds for time: 400 Meter run, 21 Kettle bell swings 53/35, 12 Pull-ups.
WOD 4 Minute AMRAP: 150 Foot sled push 120/110, 5 Burpees, 1 Minute rest. 4 Minute AMRAP: 1 Rope climb, 10 Lunges 45/25, 1 Minute rest. 4 Minute AMRAP: 20 Hip extensions, 20 Air squats, 1 Minute rest. 4 Minute AMRAP: 15/10 Calories rowed, 15 Slam balls 20/25, 1 Minute rest.
WOD For Quality and Load: 3 Position Snatch. Then 6 min EMOM of: 3 reps Snatch @70% of above. Attention: Great group turned out for the Road to the Retro Games Health/Fitness Challenge! If you couldn’t make it tonight but want to do it, e-mail Julia at
WOD 12 Min AMRAP: 15 Ring push-ups, 100 Meter Farmer’s Carry 55/35. Attention: If you are interested in partaking in Julia’s “Road to Retro Games (as a spectator or competitor) Health/Fitness Plan” she will be at the box tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. to do a brief 20 minute talk and then take “before” pics and … Read more
WOD In teams of 2 complete the following: 50 Ground to overhead 115/75, 10 Wall Balls 20/14, 40 Ground to overhead, 20 Wall Balls, 30 Ground to overhead, 30 Wall Balls, 20 Ground to overhead, 40 Wall Balls, 10 Ground to overhead, 50 Wall Balls. Only one partner can work at a time and complete no … Read more
WOD 400 Meter run, 30 Toes to bar, 40 Kettle bell swings 53/35, 800 Meter run 40 Kettle bell swings 53/35, 30 Toes to bar, 400 Meter run.
WOD Strenght: Good mornings, 10-10-10-10, & Ring dips weighted 25/10, 4 sets of max reps.