Tuesday 2/18/14

WOD 13.4 7 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean & jerks 135/95, 3 Toes to bar, 6 Clean & jerks 135/95, 6 Toes to bar, 9 Clean & Jerks 135/95 9 Toes to bar. Continue to add 3 reps to each movement until time expires.   Our team roster is growing!! We have 9 more days. … Read more

Monday 2/17/14

WOD 4 Rounds for time: 400 Meter run, 30 Wall balls. 20 minute time cap.  If you can’t run you can always row. Remember no 6am or 6pm class today.  

Saturday 2/15/14

WOD In teams of 2 complete the following: Partner A runs 400 meters, Then 10 rounds of: 5 dumb bell snatches 50/35 R&L hands, 10 burpees, 15 box jumps 24/20, Partner B runs 400 meters. One person completes a round while the other rests. Each person will do 5 rounds. This wod can also be … Read more

Friday 2/14/14

WOD Ben’s B-day WOD!! 4 rounds for time: 20 air squats, 20 foot handstand walks, 10 hang power cleans 135/95. Attention: Happy Valentine’s Day! The dance studio is having a competition Friday and Saturday so parking will be scarce. You can park on the side of the building or behind and just pound on the door and we will let … Read more

Thursday 2/13/14

WOD 4 rounds for time: Load sled, Sled drag 75 feet 210/150, Sled push 75 feet 210/150, Unload sled.

Wednesday 2/12/14

WOD Three rounds for time: 10 Kettlebell swings 70/53, 20 DB box step ups 45/35, 30 Double Unders Attention: Please take the time and watch this video.  Very powerful and gripping information by Dr. Robert Lustig.  I know it’s a bit long but well worth the listen.  I think it will be a huge eye opener to many.

Tuesday 2/11/14

WOD Tabata: Ring Dips, Slam Balls 25/20, Pushups, Situps. 8 rounds of each movement. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest with 1 minute between each round.  

Monday 2/10/14

WOD 16 minute EMOM: odd minutes 8 thrusters @ 115/75, even minutes 10 pull-ups.  Attention: And the winner is… The  CrossFit Helo “Smallest Winner” Challenge Winners are as follows:   1.  Lynda – Congratulations to our Champion! 2. Cassi. 3. Shane, and, Honorable Mentions:  Scott H. and Ben S. Our 30 day Challenge had 24 … Read more

Saturday 2/8/14

WOD “Filthy 50” I would tell you what it entails but then you might not show up.