Friday 10/11/13 WOD

WOD Lynda’s Birthday WOD! Odd minutes 10 wall balls 20/14. Even minutes 15 wall ball sit-ups 20/14. 10 minute running clock. After 10 minutes add 2 reps to each movement until you can’t continue. ATTENTION We will be holding our first nutrition seminar tonight, October 11 at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to … Read more

Thursday 10/10/13 WOD

WOD Skill. Split Jerk. Then set 1 rep max split jerk. 3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1.   ATTENTION We will be holding our first nutrition seminar this Friday, October 11 at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to get familiar with the principles that we will be incorporating into our nutrition challenge in January.  You don’t want to … Read more

Wednesday 10/9/13 WOD

WOD Two rounds for time. 21 Knees to elbow. 21 Kettle bell swings 53/35. 21 Ring rows. 2 Rope climbs. 21 Box jumps 20 inch. 21 Hip extensions. 150 Feet walking lunges. 15 min time cap. Long socks or pants advised if climbing the ropes.   Happy Birthday Lynda! You are awesome and we love … Read more

Monday 10/7/13 WOD

WOD For time. Thrusters 10-8-6-4-2 @ 95/65. 20 push-ups between each round. Just want to say thanks to Randi for coming and teaching the yoga class on Saturday! Great job to all who came! Feel free to give us feed back on what you thought.

Friday 10/4/13 WOD

WOD The O Course. Athletes will have 4 attempts to complete the course.  Your score will be your slowest and fastest time added together.

Thursday 10/3/13 WOD

WOD 12 Min Amrap. 5 Pullups. 10 Hang cleans 115/85. 15 Air squats. Attention We are planning on having our first Nutrition Seminar either Friday the 11th @ 6:30pm or Saturday the 12th @ 10am after the 9am wod.  Let us know which time works best for you guys over the next couple days.  We … Read more

Wednesday 10/2/13 WOD

WOD 7 Rounds for time. 30 seconds max calorie row. 30 seconds max V-ups. 1 min break Score is total number of calories rowed plus total number of V-ups.

Tuesday 10/1/13 WOD

  WOD For time 400 Meter run. 75 Push press 75/55. 800 Meter run. 75 Push press 75/55. 400 Meter run. Cassi and Jessica working on their handstand push up progressions.  Jessica got her first handstand EVER today then proceeded to get 9 more in her work out! Very nice

Monday 9/30/13 WOD

Skill Practice Handstand pushup progression WOD 3 Rounds For Time. 3 Strict handstand pushups. 10 Deadlifts 225/155. 50 Double unders.