Thursday 4/18/19

WOD For Time Strict Pull-ups 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Strict Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Athletes will alternate between movements beginning with pull-ups than strict press. 14 min time cap.

Wednesday 4/17/19

WOD Teams of 2. 4 Rounds each for time: 400 meter run, 500 meter row. 36 minute time cap. One person does a full round while the other rests. Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Alecio. 1. Posture; 2. Fall; and 3. Pull.  People all too often relate performance or outcome  to skill or ability – … Read more

Tuesday 4/16/19

WOD AMRAP in 5 Minutes: 6 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans 50/35, 30 Double-Unders. Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP in 5 Minutes: 6 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans 50/35, 30 Double-Unders. Attention:  Ben will be coaching the Snatch at the Olympic Lifting Class.    

Monday 4/15/19

WOD Teams of 2 20 Minute AMRAP: 150′ Sandbag Carry. One partner works the other holds a plank.  Partners can switch as they choose.

Saturday 4/13/19

WOD 3 Rounds For Time: 18 Thrusters 115/80, 400 Meter Run. 10 Minute Cap. Attention: No powerlifting class at 8am today.  Also congratulations to Ryan for taking 2nd place at Fit-Con in the First Responders category.   

Friday 4/12/19

WOD GFF 9-15-21-27 Deadlifts 225/155, Toes To Bar. 12 Minute Cap. Attention: There will be no Powerlifting Class at 8 a.m. on Saturday, all other classes will be going as normal. There is Open Gym on Sunday as well.

Thursday 4/11/19

WOD For Time: 40/30 Calorie Bike, 30 Hang Cleans 135/95, 20 Bar Facing Burpees. Attention:  We will be having a 10 a.m. Wod on Saturday but there will be no Powerlifting at 8 a.m. 

Wednesday 4/10/19

WOD 5 Rounds On A 3 Minute Clock: Row 500 Meters, With Remaining Time Max Bar Muscle-ups. Rest 2 Minute Between Rounds. Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Manny. Re-evaluating Your Goals.  Hey my Helo peeps! Today you get to listen to my tiny voice in your head…. bwahaha!  Back at the beginning of the year … Read more

Tuesday 4/9/19

WOD AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 20 Wall Balls 30/20, 20 Box Jumps 24/20, 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53. Attention: No Olympic Lifting Class at 7:30 p.m. 

Monday 4/8/19

WOD 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Power Snatches 135/95, 100 Double-Unders. Each time you break the double-unders do 3 push-ups. 10 Minute Cap. Attention:  Congrats to Coach Kyle on his first boxing match on Saturday night – he made us proud! No Olympic Lifting class on Tuesday.