
Alecio Mejia – Co-Owner/Head Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • CrossFit Endurance Trainer
  • CrossFit Mobility Trainer
  • CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Trainer
  • CrossFit Trainer
  • CPR & First Aid Certified
  • Outlaw Science and Precision Series
  • Carl Paoli Free+style Connection

I believe my sports and educational background are what help me be a more efficient coach. I’ve been training and teaching athletes for over fifteen years. Born in Anchorage, AK, I grew up playing soccer, hockey, and football. After a brief stint in Nicaragua where I played at the top level of soccer, which included training with Nicaragua’s national team, I attended North Park University in Chicago, IL, and played on the University Men’s soccer team all 4 years. I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in physical education for K-12 and shortly after 2003 began competing seriously in triathlons. I have had success at all distances from the Sprint, up to the IronMan and raced using principles found within CrossFit Endurance.

My role is to act as a coach, an entertainer, and a teacher. I will instruct you regarding good positions and proper movement patterns ie. how to stand/sit/walk/jump/ and run). I will incorporate Mechanics, Consistency, and Intensity, in that order, which are the keys to effective CrossFit programming. These principles will always be reinforced at CrossFit Helo. Further, I will do so while keeping you safe in a fun environment. Safety will always be the number one priority at CrossFit Helo. I think you will find that my dedication, good humor, and passion are contagious. I believe that you should be lifting your children or that heavy box of books in the same manner that you would a heavy barbell at the gym. If what I’m teaching does not carry over or integrate into other areas of your life outside of the box, then I’m not doing my job properly. I understand that joining as a member at CrossFit Helo is a huge step and commitment but I promise, if you do – I will not let you down.

Photo Credit: Kristin Park

Video Credit: Mark Gingell

Julia Kyte – Co-Owner/Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • CrossFit Endurance Trainer
  • CrossFit Mobility Trainer
  • CPR & First Aid Certified
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Carl Paoli Free+style Connection

Born in Hazelton, BC, I was on developmental programs for Canada’s national basketball team for most of high school before attending North Park University in Chicago, IL. I played on the University Women’s basketball team all 4 years, during which I received an All-American Academic Nomination and was an All-Conference basketball player. In 2008 I found CrossFit ;at a box in Seattle, WA. After moving to Utah in 2009, I continued to CrossFit and also competed in triathlons (which included completing the 2012 Boise Half-Ironman), using CrossFit; Endurance principles. After becoming a Level I Trainer in 2011, I have renewed my Level I in 2016 and again in 2020, where I have enjoyed coaching more regularly since then. Separately, I am a licensed attorney in both Washington and Utah and currently practice at a litigation firm in Salt Lake City. Finally, Alecio and I now have our two sons, Tristan and River who we both love dearly.

Photo Credit: Kristin Park

Video Credit: Mark Gingell

Lora Gubler – Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

I grew up as a competitive tennis player in California. In high school I won four team region championships, two individual region championships, and was voted all-county player of the year in 2012. Tennis was never quite aggressive enough for me, so my freshman year at BYU, I walked on to the women’s rugby team. My senior year as co-captain, I helped lead the team to a D-1 national championship. My favorite part of sports practice was always conditioning and weight lifting. I loved to push my limits and see how much my body could do. When I found CrossFit at the beginning of 2020, I immediately fell in love with the programming style and how I could push my body to its potential every day. I love coaching CrossFit and helping others perform at their potential and push their limits.

Photo Credit: Kristin Park

Video Credit: Mark Gingell

Carrie Richardson- Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

I grew up in a big family and we were always very active. Between my family and sports teams, I always liked to stay moving and in shape. In college, I began running and completed many different races, including half marathons and multiple Spartans. In 2013, I found CrossFit and loved the atmosphere and challenge. After having my last baby I became really dedicated to improving my functional movement and strength, and began to really appreciate all that our bodies are capable of. Over the last 9 years I’ve had the opportunity to try many different boxes, both locally and across the country, and at the end of 2020 when I came to Helo, I realized I had found my home box. The coaching and programming are amazing. I have loved learning, being pushed and encouraged by some of the best. I’ve always been one to encourage and help others during workouts, and realized how much I love to help them with their fitness goals and progression. With some encouragement from family and Helo, I was inspired to become a Level 1 Trainer and start coaching. I plan on continuing with my training to keep improving as an athlete and coach. I love coaching and am excited to be able to help and influence others as they work to achieve their goals.

Photo Credit: Kristin Park

Brian Alama – Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • CPR & First Aid Certified

Health and fitness have become increasingly important as I’ve gotten older. Growing up, I played on sports teams and played high school football. I was active in the summers, spending time on my grandpa’s farm, helping with chores, riding motorcycles or four wheelers, and shooting guns.

In 2014, when we first started CrossFit, I weighed 240 pounds. I couldn’t do a single pull-up, I could do maybe two push-ups, I couldn’t run more than 200 meters, and I had chronic back pain. I didn’t like the way I looked or the way I felt. I wanted to make changes so we joined my co-worker in his garage CrossFit workouts and we were hooked. Through working out three days a week and cutting soda from my diet, I lost almost 40 pounds in about six months. My goal was to drop below 200 pounds so I started to focus in on my diet. Over the course of the next three months, I dropped another 30 pounds. I was feeling great. On top of that I could run over a mile, I could link together multiple pull-ups, as well as push-ups, I was getting better on the rower, my back pain was gone and I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. It was working. I wanted to learn more and be able to help more people so in 2018 I got my Level 1 certification.

We joined the CrossFit Helo family in 2020 and found a community full of people devoted to their individual journeys, but more importantly, to each other’s journeys as well. I have enjoyed watching members at Helo make positive changes in their lives to achieve their goals of health and wellness and I am happy to be a Coach at CrossFit Helo!

Photo Credit: Mark Gingell

Kortney Rogers – Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • CPR & First Aid Certified

I grew up playing nearly every sport my small town in eastern Arizona had to offer, loving how each one challenged me in different ways. As an adult, I continue to enjoy staying active with my husband and our four kids. I love playing and coaching sports with my kids, mountain biking, camping, hiking, and any outdoor adventure we can find as a family. In 2016, we moved to Utah, but it wasn’t until we discovered Helo CrossFit in 2021 that we found a gym we truly loved. This was my first experience with CrossFit, and I instantly fell in love with the community and programming. I was hooked and it has been transformative for my physical and mental health.

Watching my kids and others find joy in being active inspired me to pursue my coaching certification in 2023. I wanted to help others, especially teens, experience the joy and confidence that comes from physical fitness. I’ve worked with teenage girls through a youth program at my church for over 10 years and know how crucial being active is to help them navigate today’s complex world. My goal is to provide a safe, controlled environment where teens can push themselves, have fun, and gain confidence as they learn to do hard things. Coaching at Helo, especially with the teens, has been incredibly rewarding—I love seeing others grow stronger, faster, and more confident as they consistently show up and put in the work.

Photo Credit: Mark Gingell

Janelle Pedroza – Trainer

  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • CPR & First Aid Certified

I have always been involved in a type of sport growing up. My family always loved and valued the sport of soccer, and other sports I decided to participate in. I have been fortunate enough to rely on sports growing up playing indoor and outdoor soccer, volleyball, track and field, until I stumbled upon and took a shot at trying Crossfit in 2015. When I moved to Utah from Oregon, I had seen people workout at a CrossFit gym that was combined with a globo gym. I maintained living an active lifestyle while I was in college and prior by going to the gym regularly using the machines, and lifting some free hand weights after learning how to utilize them when taking a class in high school. While in college at UVU, I decided to branch out and try CrossFit, where I had attended my first class in August 2015 – since then I have never looked back. I have always loved the continuous improvement one can make in CrossFit with all of the skills one can learn by gaining the confidence of being able to lift a heavy barbell, run as efficient as you can, perform strict gymnastic movements, and overall the community behind it. In 2023, I finally decided to take the chance of earning my CF-Level 1 Certification and become a coach at CrossFit Helo. During my time, I have loved having the opportunity to inspire, push and unlock the potentials others have that they didn’t know they had. I have and continue to enjoy going through that journey with members in making them feel welcome daily, supported, and giving them the best hour of their day.

Photo Credit: Marc Gingell