Friday 11/16/18


4 Min AMRAP:
15 Box Jumps 24/20,
15 Reps Hang Clean 95/65,
2 Minutes Rest.
4 Min AMRAP:
10 Box Jumps 30/24,
10 Reps Hang Clean 135/95,
2 Minutes Rest.
4 Minute AMRAP:
5 Box Jumps 34/30,
5 Hang Cleans 185/125.

Attention:  For the Turkey Row Heats, you can start signing up! We can charge your card or you can pay us in cash and Julia will be making the donation to the Road Home on Monday so we will be charging/collecting money over the weekend! Also, congrats again to the Helo Co-Ed Softball Team as we got our Champs T-shirts today for winning our League! 
