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20 minute AMRAP:
5 power cleans 145/100,
10 toes to bar,
15 wall balls 20/14.
Coming into the last little bit of the challenge! All of the discipline and hard work should be starting to pay off. Hopefully you are noticing that you are recovering faster, sleeping better, and have more energy. Those are just a few of the benefits that come with proper nutrition. If you have fallen off of the wagon just hop back on!! Next week we will introduce you to an exit strategy – i.e. how to re-introduce the food that we have kept out of the diet for the last month. So that means, no, you should not go pound down a whole pizza when the challenge ends (you will get really sick just so you know ahead of time:). Also, if you did that you would be missing out on one of the most important benefits that the challenge has to offer. That is finding out how dairy, grains and sugar effect our bodies when you reintroduce each area back in slowly and the best way to do that is week by week. Stay tuned for more details:)