On an 11:00 min Clock:
750/600 Meter Row,
30 Back Squats 135/95,
50 Jumps to 6″ Target,
Then In Remaining Time
Max Calorie Row.
An update from your fearless leaders – Alecio & Julia.
Christmas Lights and Clear Future Sights for Helo!
Hi Everyone!
With the holiday season upon us and given that we are 3 months into our new location, we have marveled at the happy environment that has been created already by you all! The Open was a tremendous success and there have been parties in between (don’t forget our 7th Annual White Elephant Bingo Christmas Party on Sat., December 14th, starting at 5 p.m.) that have all been great!
Given that it was 1 year ago when we originally started looking for a new Helo space, we wanted to let you know the recent positive decision we have made for Helo to give clarity and answer some questions.
As many of you know, in Feb. of 2019, we entered into a purchase agreement for 2 (of 5) units right behind our prior location to be built by Sept. of 2019. We secured a commercial loan at that time. Shortly after that, the builder requested an extension. We were lucky to find our present space, where the owner of the building and his wife have been wonderful, and the smooth transition in September was a breath of fresh air.
Unfortunately, just after we moved, the builder of the 2 future units indicated that there were problems on his end in obtaining financial backing and he no longer felt that he could uphold the terms for the extended move-in date of March, 2020. We put things on hold while he looked to obtain an additional partner. Then, two weeks ago, the builder and agent approached us with a new proposal – that we pay the same price for the 2 units but we reduce the space (to only 200 feet bigger than our current spot), and it would not be ready until this time next year. The reason stated was that the new equity partner wanted more money and the estimates for construction costs was higher than expected.
We have spent considerable time considering this option, because we would love to again be more visible near the main road and own our own space (not to mention that the time getting loan approval would be for naught). However, when we sat down and crunched the numbers, we realized that if we moved forward under the new terms, the monthly payment would require us to enforce membership increases that would be much, much higher than the $5 dollars we plan to incorporate next year, we would be at the mercy of being part of an association, the parking would return to being crazy, and we would no longer be able to do anything fun for the members like give away free months, etc. Whereas before, we were willing to do that because we were guaranteed a much larger space that was tailored to us, with those two key things no longer on the table, we could not justify a purchase that didn’t seem like a smart decision anymore.
As a result, while we have indicated that once built, we may look at it again and everything has been left on good terms with the builder, we have chosen not to move forward with purchasing the other building. Although tough for us to let this go after working at it for so long, we feel good about, and believe that this is the best path to ensure the continued growth of Helo. Particularly now that we have gone through the transition of moving, seen how much effort each of you members put in to help, made all the necessary changes with the City, have incurred an increase in rent (though smaller then the other options), the parking has been much easier, and we have paid several thousand dollars for the new bathroom and upgrades. All of that has led us to feel good in our hearts that for now staying put is the best option to help Helo grow and we have indicated that to the builder and agent for the 2 units. We have also indicated our desire to stay in our current spot to the owner of the building and he is very happy!
We realize that with change (or in this case, the decision to stay put:) that it sometimes takes a bit to adjust and we hope that you, the members, will see that we have made this decision with your best interests in mind and that we are excited about the opportunities ahead!
Please know that we plan to continue to re-invest into Helo, and directly into each of you, as we have always done but now with more new equipment and features (being able to track your wods and progress anyone?) in the New Year that we otherwise would not have been able to do if we were moving next year, and we hope that you to will be happy with calling our new spot home for at least, the reasonably foreseeable future!
As always, we appreciate each of you and welcome your feedback and thoughts.
Thank you for reading.
Best Regards,
Alecio & Julia