Friday 4/14/17


OPEN 12.4
AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
150 Wall balls 20/14,
90 Double unders,
30 Muscle-ups.

Attention:  For Runners doing Ragnar – We will meet Saturday at 12 pm in Herriman at 14800 South Juniper Crest Rd.  If anyone else wants to come for a 4-6 mile trail run you are more than welcome.  Also, given that Easter is on Sunday, Evan is doing a training run up in Park City for the Mountain Meltdown peeps, at 10 a.m. on Saturday – everyone who can go should go! (Julia can’t go due to family/scheduling technicalities 🙁 this time – boo but  she will be going next Sunday). They are apparently having donuts to:)