For Time:
50 Wall Balls 20/14,
50 Ring Dips,
50 Wall Balls 30/20.
11 Minute Cap.
Attention: Congrats to Preston and Jones on their new baby girl – Cantrelle arrived over the weekend weighing in at 7 lbs 14.3 oz and we are so happy for them! Also, it’s Coach Kris’ birthday (on July 1st) so happy B-day Kris! Next, also a congrats to the Summer Beach Body Challenge Winner, Shawn, who is winning $120 for his efforts! Shawn lost 12 pounds, 5.75 inches, and went down by 3% bf – Congrats Shawn! Further, Helo’s next playoff Softball game is at 6:15 p.m.! Finally, on the 4th of July we will be doing the Hero wod at 9 a.m. and that will be the only formal wod for the day and then Helo’s 4th Annual Beer Mile will occur immediately thereafter – where the winner will win a new Helo t-shirt!