Monday 8/27/18


Jamie’s Birthday Wod
For time:
40 Calorie Row,
40 Wall Balls 20/14,
40 Burpees,
40 Box Jumps 24/20,
40 Deadlifts 135/95,
1 Mile Run.
Athletes have 13 Minutes to get
out the door.

Attention:  This weekend the Labor Day schedule will be as follows: On Friday, there will be no Kids CrossFit Little Birds class – all other classes remain the same.  On Saturday there will only be a 9 a.m. Wod.  There will be no Open Gym on Sunday, and on Monday, it is to be determined if there will be one wod. Also, we had a great time at the Fantasy Football Live Draft on Saturday night at the box – if you are playing make sure you pay your funds and accept the invite from the Commissioner! 
