Saturday 1/20/18


Teams of 3
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
100/70 Calorie row,
100 Deadlifts 135/95,
80/60 Calorie row,
80 Hang power cleans 135/95,
60/45 Calorie row,
60 Front squats 135/95,
40/30 Calorie row,
40 Push-jerks 135/95,
20/15 Calorie row,
20 Clusters 135/95.

Attention:  First, Preston is doing the Strict Press at the 8 a.m. Powerlifting Class! With the snow, please give yourselves lots of time for the roads and time to change into your CrossFit shoes,  also remember to leave your outdoor shoes at the front! Second, Challenge participants – remember to turn in your log by 12 p.m. to your Coach to get that extra point! 
