For Reps:
Tabata Bike,
1 Minute Rest,
Tabata Double-Unders,
1 Minute Rest,
Tabata Leg Levers,
1 Minute Rest,
Tabata Double-Unders,
1 Minute Rest
Tabata Bike.
Score will be lowest number for each round.
Attention: Hopefully everyone got through their first day on the Challenge – remember to turn in your log tomorrow (either e-mail it, or text it if you have your coaches’ number or bring it into the box before 12 p.m.! And the Coaching Assignments are as follows for the teams: Coach Alecio’s Team (alecio@crossfithelo.com): Melissa S., Andrea & Tim, Virginia & Riley, Russ, and Andrew. Coach Ben’s Team: Jamie, Kris, Devin & Ashley, Marie, Kallie, and Mandy. Coach Julia’s Team (julia@crossfithelo.com): Randi, Tamra & Tony, Deena, Tammy & Bruce, Jake P., and Tara. Coach Kyle’s Team: Kim W., Jenn S., Kim B. & Dakota, and Twitch. Coach Manny’s Team: Josh & Lexi, Si, Michelle, Kauri, and Lisa. Coach Preston’s Team: Heidi, Natalie & Trent, Rachel, Shawn, and Marc. If we missed anyone – just let us know and we will get you on a team!