Saturday 9/22/18

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
50-40-30-20-10 Reps of:
Double Unders,
Weight Abmat Situps 35/25.
After each round of sit-ups perform
a 25′ seal walk.

Attention: We are excited for Golf at the Four Lakes Golf Course, at 1285 West 4700 South, Taylorsville, 84123, it’s a shotgun start at 2 p.m., so show up early and hit some balls. Then following that its our 5th Year Anniversary BBQ at Cougar Park starting at 4 p.m.! The address for Cougar Park is: 6650 South 4800 West, Kearns, 84118.  There is a children’s playground, horseshoes and sand volleyball area – it will be a lot of fun and we hope to see everyone there! 
