Thursday 10/10/19


EMOM x 20 Minutes:
Odd Minutes Movement 1,
Even Minutes Movement 2.
Athletes get to choose two movements that
they want to work on or do. Examples
are things like rope clean and jerk, rope climbs, double-unders, muscle-ups,
handstand push-ups, overhead squats, pull-ups,
or sandbags. Pick two 
and work on them!

Attention: In the evening, CrossFit headquarters and Dave Castro will be releasing the first Open Wod, you can watch it live on  Make sure you are signed up for a time slot as on Friday we will be having our awesome Friday Night Lights and Bobbi & Clay will be doing their amazing taco bar so save up for some delicious food and treats (feel free to bring your own beverages)! We are excited to see everyone there! 
