Thursday 2/27/20


Teams of 2:
AMRAP In 20 Minutes:
Partner 1 Runs 400 Meters,
Partner 2 Five Sandbag Cleans & 10/6 Calorie Bike.
One partner works the AMRAP and the other runs 400 m. 

Attention: We are into countdown! This Saturday, the 29th, is Helo’s In House Ride or Die Competition! Athletes need to arrive at 9 a.m. with wods starting at 10 a.m. sharp! The 3 wods will be great with prizes and medals awarded at the end to the top 3 finishers in each Division! Waffle Love will be there serving food at 12:30 p.m. until about 2:30 p.m. although we anticipate the wods will be done by 2 p.m.! Come out and cheer on the athletes on a fun Leap Day! 
