EMOM x 20 Minutes:
Odd Minutes Movement 1,
Even Minutes Movement 2.
Athletes get to choose two movements that
they want to work on or do. Examples
are things like rope climbs, double-unders, muscle-ups,
overhead squats or sandbags. Pick two
and work on them!
Attention: Looking forward to 18.4! On Friday – dress in green for St. Paddy’s day Shenanigans! Also, Somer Ahonen will be there taking photos starting at 5 p.m. for the first heat – so please show up timely so that we can move through the heats quickly and everyone can get pictures. Also, we will be having the Fiore Wood Smoked Pizza truck there with food starting at 5:30 p.m. – so if you haven’t made it out to cheer or see what your fellow athletes are doing – this Friday will be a great one!!!