EMOM x 20 Minutes:
Odd Minutes Movement 1,
Even Minutes Movement 2.
Athletes get to pick two movements that
they want to work-on or do. Examples
are things like double-unders, muscle-ups,
overhead squats, sled push, rope climbs,
or sandbags. Pick two movements
and work on them!
Attention: It’s the last Friday Night Lights of the Open and we are having the Fiore Wood Fired Pizza Food Truck there so come hungry and feel free to bring treats as always!! Also, Nate will be there again doing 15 minute sessions – there will be a sign up sheet from 5 – 9 p.m. so make sure you sign up because if you don’t get a slot then you snooze u lose! Also, we will be doing the Raffle for the Custom Rogue Bars if you signed up for the Open – you have to be there in person to win the prize!!