Teams of 2
AMRAP in 16 Minutes:
10 Wall Balls 30/20,
10 Burpees to 12″ target.
One person works the other rest.
Attention: Happy Birthday Coach Preston (if you are reading this tonight it is today but if you are reading this in the morning it was yesterday:) And also make sure you say congrats to your Helo Open Age Group Division Winners who are as follows: 1. Male Winners: Cason Adams – 35-39; Alecio Mejia – 40-44; Clay Rice – 45-49; Shawn Judd – 50-54; Brent Canham – 55-99; and Logan Tuckett 16-17. Female Winners: Tara Rintamaki – 35-39; Bobbi Rice/Jamie Tuckett (tie) 40-44; Tammy Jocis – 45-49; Kallie Canham – 55-59; and Frances Walton – 60 +!