Thursday 6/19/14


50 Double-unders,
50 Sit-ups,
400 meter run,
40 Double-unders,
40 Sit-ups,
400 Meter run,
30 Double-unders,
30 Sit-ups,
400 Meter run,
20 Double-unders,
20 Sit-ups,
400 Meter run,
10 Double-unders,
10 Sit-ups,
400 Meter run.


Attention:  Does the White board and your results sometimes put you in a bad mood?  Do you ever think less of your score after you see another athlete’s time?  Do you ever decide on a weight or go for a max based on someone else’s score?  If you answered yes to any of those questions please click on and read the article.  If you answered no to all of the questions stop fibbing to yourself and please click on the article below as well. ;0

5 Whiteboard Misconceptions That Are Ruining Your CrossFit Experience


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