AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
3 Bar Muscle-ups,
6 Strict Press 45/35,
9 Front Rack Lunges 45/35.
Meltdown Wod
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
15/10 Calories Bike,
15 Box Jumps 24/20.
Attention: We will be putting up an optional wod for the next 2 days for those of you doing Mountain Meltdown on Saturday who may want to just come in and move or recover a bit before the race. Also, if you get a chance, complete your race waiver online ahead of time to speed things up! Finally, we have got room on the bus so bring your cheerleaders for those of you doing it, or peeps that want to hang out and see a fun event, it’s in Park City at the Olympic Park so jump on the bus for an afternoon out and about:) Remember there will only be a 7 a.m. wod and 8 a.m. Powerlifting class this Saturday!