Tuesday 12/29/15


15 Minute AMRAP:
50 Double-unders,
20 Strict handstand push-ups,
20 Strict pull-ups,
50 Sit-ups,
20 Kipping handstand push-ups,
20 Strict pull-ups,
50 Double-unders.

Attention:  First, we will be starting the Fitness/Nutrition Challenge on Monday, January 11th – More details to come on when the talk and measurements/photos will be done.  Second, this week will be normal schedule except on Thursday, New Year’s Eve, no 5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Wods, on Friday, there will be a 12 p.m. Wod only (no CrossFit Kids Classes) and Saturday, regular schedule.  Third, Ben will be doing the Jerk at the Olympic Lifting Class.  Finally, anyone that has gotten a hoodie that has not been charged/you haven’t seen a receipt come to your account, if you could please let Alecio know that would be great! 
