Tuesday 2/13/18


For time:
50/35 Calorie row,
40 Dumbbell snatches 50/35,
30 Push press 115/80,
40 Dumbbell snatches 50/35,
50 5 Meter Side Shuffles.

Attention: First, we are doing another zip up hoodie order plus the new thin hoodies! If you want one of the charcoal or light grey hoodies – please put your name on the board (also, please clearly write the color you want and your size either – XS, S, M, L, XL, or XXL).  In addition, if you want one of the new thin hoodies (the color will be the light grey because the other colors are still sold out), please also write your size on the Board.  The Cut-off for ordering will be this Friday – we will not accept any orders after this Friday! Second, Julia will be at the box around 5 p.m. to do the final measurements and photos for the Challenge, and she will stay until everyone is done! 
