In a 13 Minute Window:
50/35 Calorie Bike,
50 Calorie Row,
50 Burpee Pull-ups 5-7 Inches Above Hand,
Max 25′ Handstand Walk With
Remaining Time.
Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Ben.
Step off my Resolution.
Hi everybody!
For today’s blog, I first wanted to start off by saying that I hope everyone had a great start to 2019. It’s a new year and full of unexpected opportunities, where 2018 is nothing more then memories and now is the time to make new ones.
Today what I wanted to focus on (without taking too much of your time) is about that same old tradition that pops up at the start of every new year. Two things happen, first people decide what this New Years resolution is going to be and then for the first month you work to whatever that goal may be; but then, and/or second, (and this is the sad part) in another month or two that resolution is long lost, just like the matching pair to most of my socks. Where did my f-ing left sock go this time? Anyway, what I guess I am trying to say is that it is pretty common for people to get super stoked for a “new you” but then just as fast they give up, why is that?
A little while back I started wondering why I was so able to start and finish some things but others didn’t stand a chance. So I started going over my past goals, those I had succeeded at and those I didn’t. At first I just thought well maybe I didn’t want it bad enough and it must not have been important, but after going over my list I saw I had plenty on the fail side that I thought were important to me and still were. It bothered me for a bit and I couldn’t understand what I did wrong, so after a little time I decided to look a little deeper and asked myself why these things where important and just like that it jumped of the paper and round house kicked me in the face as swift as if Chuck Norris did it himself. The goals I was able to finish were things I felt were important to me and the ones that took a dump, were ones I thought people would think would be better for me. I have made many mistakes in my life and set myself behind simply by being so hung up on how I thought everyone thought I looked instead on focusing on what was actually happening. Perceived reality is NEVER the same as actual reality.
So, what I would like you guys and gals to do now is, I want you to grab a paper and write down any goals or challenges. It doesn’t matter if it’s short term, long term, or maybe something from the past and I want you to seriously ask yourself: “Is this something I really want for me, or is this something I think people expect is right for me?” If the answer is “I want this” then right on, keep charging head first and don’t let anything get in your way. If the answer is anything but you, then I say you should take a hard look at it and decide if this is something you need to waste precious time on.
Now, I’m not saying if it’s not all about you, that you have to just slam the door in it’s face and say bye Felicia, I’m just saying you better find a real worthwhile reason that works for you because nothing leads more quickly to quitting on something than when your heart is not into it. Also, if someone is trying to tell you to focus on what they think is better for you without you asking for it, then tell them to piss off (but say please piss off if it’s in the box:)). We already deal with too many voices in our own head to have time to listen to some unsolicited voice get in there to try and tell you that they know you better then you do.
As always, you guys and gals rule and I’m proud I get to watch you all bust ass on a daily basis. Keep up the hard work and have a good night.
Thanks for reading!
Coach Ben
Attention: Remember it’s bring a friend day on Thursday!