Wednesday 12/12/18


For Time:
60 Calorie Row,
50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups,
40 Burpees Over The Bar,
30 Wall balls 20/14,
20 Devil’s Press 35/25.
Time Cap of 18 minutes.

Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Manny.
Focus on the Fundamentals
What’s up Helo Fam! 
The Fundamentals are the base of all movements we do in the box and things we do outside the box as well. One of my favorite NBA players is Tim Duncan “The Big Fundamental”.  If you don’t know who he is, he’s a Hall of Fame power forward that played for the San Antonio Spurs for 19 years. Duncan wasn’t fancy and didn’t do crazy acrobatic moves. He was just really, really, really good at the “fundamentals” – hence his nickname “ The Big Fundamental”.  So by being great at the basic things, he became one of the best power forwards to ever play.
Fundamentals apply to almost every movement and if you focus your efforts on mastering the basic parts of any movement, you will improve across the board. For example, try working on the air squat. It doesn’t sound very sexy to work on air squats. But if you learn to keep your chest up and get below parallel without losing tension, it will translate to a bunch of other movements with resulting gains, such as complex olympic lifts or heavy squats.  
Another example would be the strict pull-up. Try working on the mechanics and strength in the pulling by making sure the lats are activating and the core stays tight. Over time good mechanics will become ingrained in your movement during the strict pull-up and strength will build. Once that is developed it will lead to better kipping pull-ups, butterfly pull-ups, and muscle-ups. 
So if you’re looking to get better at a movement or learn a new one, always start from the bottom and work your way up. Find out what the basic fundamentals are to the movement and work on mastering them. If you need help with figuring them out, there is always a Helo coach available to help. 
I’m sure you’ve all heard one of the coaches say: “Doing the common uncommonly well.”  That’s pretty much what Tim Duncan did and he’s a Hall-of-Famer and I’m going to leave you with a quote from Mr. Duncan himself: 
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. “
Thanks for reading! 
Coach Manny 
AKA Dingo
AKA Julia’s favorite….. Ahahahaha
