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For time:
21-15-9 Reps of,
Snatch grip deadlifts 315/225,
12-12-12 Reps of,
Strict chest to bar reverse grip pull-ups.
(10 Second hollow hold penalty for breaking on the pull-ups)
Attention: For those of you that have never done a Helo Paleo and Fitness Challenge – please attend the talk to understand the details and Paleo food requirements but just to start – it is a 6 week challenge where you are assigned a coach, you will do “before” measurements and pics at the box, as well as a weekly food, wod, water, and sleep log, that you will turn into your coach each Saturday and it is based on a point system. Your points are charted each week. At the conclusion, you will do “after” measurements and pics at the box and if you have done well enough, you will be in the running for the prizes in the category you choose, with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place up for grabs in each division!