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Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Alecio.
Being Mindful.
With the New Year, I hope all of you have been liking both the physical and also the mental component that we have added to the monthly challenges at the box. For my musing, I thought I would expand a bit on the mental component for January – which is being more mindful. And specifically, we are focused on being mindful of when we are on our phones and spending excessive time on social or media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., rather than interacting with the people around us. One of the biggest correlations to a long life span is actually the number of deep and meaningful relationships you have, and you definitely can’t build those on your phone.
As I have addressed in class the last two Mondays, we really want to encourage that each of us focus on interacting with family and friends when we are around them, and not wasting that time, blocked off and staring at our phones. All to often when people are out to eat you will notice that an entire table will be on their phones and not interacting. Another example that I notice, and I’m sure others do to, is when you are having a conversation with someone, and they start looking at their phone, reading a text message they may have received, and/or start staring at their watch when a notification pops up, and it feels like you are wasting their time.
In an effort to try to be more conscious of the time you spend on your phone, I’m going to explain a nifty thing if you want to check out when you have a minute. If you have an iPhone, go to settings, then battery, and you can scroll down and see your screen time, but more your activity by App. It is very eye opening. I recommend that everyone take a look at their daily or weekly screen time just to see how you are spending your time. Studies have shown that people that spend 90 minutes or more a day on social media have up to a 60% increase in suicidal thoughts. Now, regardless if you are in that 90 minute category or not, lets be aware of what the time spent can do. I’m not saying eliminate all forms of social media or your time on your phone entirely, but try to view it in moderation and not at the expense of sacrificing in-person interactions. There are two simple ways to accomplish this, as we can: 1. set an allotted time allowed per day; or 2, there is a specific time that we set aside for social media. Either way, both are productive and conscious or mindful ways to cut back a bit on screen time.
At the end of the day, I don’t believe that anyone will be lying on their death bed wishing they had spent more time on their phone. I know that I’m going to be mindfully trying to enjoy my time spent with friends and family this month, and will be working on building those relationships in a way that matter!
Thanks for reading!
Coach Alecio