EMOM x 30
1 Clean & Jerk.
Build in weight as you go.
Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Preston.
S’up my Helo peeps!
I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas and New Year. In light of the New Year and resolutions, let’s chat about what you may need to achieve your goals this year and in life.
Sometimes I think that what people think they need to succeed is often misconstrued. The one thing that we think we need is motivation; and although motivation is great and can get you to higher places, it is always temporary.
Are you motivated to get up and go to work every day? If you said yes, then I envy you. I think most of us, however, are on a roller coaster of highs and lows of motivation. Yet we still get up on those days when we really don’t want to and go to work………..because we have to. Not because we are motivated, but because we are disciplined in knowing that things need to get done. We consistently get up every day and grind.
Why can’t most of us do the same thing with our health goals? Well, I think a big part of it is the reliance on motivation. Everyone has probably been to a globo gym in January and experienced a stampede of people that were not there the month before. If you have seen this, then you have probably witnessed that crowd of new people fade away in the following months. Why? Well, because they were fueled solely by motivation and did not know that their tank would soon run empty. They made a plan that they were going to make “this year” better. They would get up early 4x per week, go to the gym, and eat clean. Now motivation has faded, and they have no reserves in the tank to fall back on. They fall back to their normal routine of sleeping in and grabbing a McMuffin on the way to work. All to do the same thing over again the next year.
So what are the reserves we need to fall back on at times like these? To answer that, I will use a term from a book I am reading right now (Can’t Hurt Me). We need to “callous” our minds, just like we callous our hands after a few months of Crossfit. Although this callous isn’t created by kettlebells, rings and barbells. It is created by consistently fighting against life’s obstacles, and not giving up. We need to create that protective barrier around our minds, so when shit gets real, we can keep grinding. So when motivation runs out, we can keep distraction, mediocrity, and laziness from getting in. This calloused barrier should be filled with two things – Discipline and Consistency. These are the tools we will need to utilize when the motivation tank runs low. When we are tired, frustrated, and un-motivated; we need to have the discipline to get shit done anyway. Discipline to get it done even though we flat out don’t want to. Then we need to do it consistently EVERY DAY.
Now take these things and prepare yourself using these tools so you can be successful with not only your resolutions, but all of your goals. Because eventually motivation will run dry and you will need to dig deeper to find another source of fuel. Let discipline and consistency guide the way.
3, 2, 1……GO!!!
Thanks for reading!
Coach Preston
Attention: If you missed the blog last night and are doing the Challenge take a look as the coaches have been assigned! Also, we are on day two and if you have a headache, feel like you have the flu, or feel as if you are hungover – that’s all normal so just hang in there! Finally, it’s bring a friend Thursday!