Teams of 2:
4 Minutes max calorie ski,
4 Minutes max rope climb,
4 Minutes max sandbag ground to shoulder,
4 Minutes max Toes to bar.
Score is total reps. One person works while the other rests.
30 Seconds rest between movements.
Attention: This Friday will mark the final Open wod and we hope as many people as possible will come out and cheer on the athletes competing in 17.5! We also will have the Matterhorn French Toast truck there! Also, the top athletes that contributed to CF Helo’s score this week were as follows – Top Males: 1. Emmanuel Godoy – 205; 2. Brian McElreath – 197; 3. Alecio Mejia – 196; Top Females: 1. Jessica Smith – 210; 2. Stacy Otteson – 197; 3. Stef Bloxham – 189.