Wednesday 4/24/19


Build To A Heavy Set Of 5 Back Squats.
Alternating EMOM x 14:
Odd Minutes 14/10 Calorie Bike,
Even Minutes Max Med Ball Cleans 20/14.
Score is lowest round on Med Ball Cleans.

Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Julia. 
The Base of The CrossFit Pyramid. 
Good Evening All:
Tonight I’m going to be focusing on a concept that most of us are familiar with, the CrossFit Pyramid.  More specifically, I’m going to be addressing the base and largest component of it. Do you know what it is? … Well, if you don’t know, I’ll fill you in here because the base of the CrossFit Pyramid is Nutrition. 
That’s right. The critical foundation upon which success in the CrossFit arena lies – arises out of your nutrition and what you put into your body day in and day out.  
At Helo for the last two years we have focused on a real foods approach in our annual January Nutrition Challenge and then our pre-summer beach body Challenge because at the end of the day if you are eating real foods and veggies in reasonable proportions you will likely not only see beneficial health changes but you will also see improved performance and prs in the box.  
I’m going to use two excellent recent examples from Helo (a member and a coach) to support my position that good nutrition equals great results in the box. 
As you may recall, during the CrossFit Open this year that ended a month ago –  Jake Priest won the overall Male box winner and Kyle Canham was right behind him in second place.  Now don’t get me wrong – they both worked their fannies off and put in extra hours of training leading up to the Open to place where they did. But that said, I do take a little pride in saying that  they each decided to also do the Nutrition Challenge to help them prepare for the Open.  Even though they were both in great shape, they recognized the value in participating in it to further assist them in giving them an edge.  Further, I think it is important to note that they didn’t vary from it, they followed the same parameters that all of us did without choosing a different option, and they logged each week. I think they both will say if you ask them, that setting that nutritional foundation and having it dialed in right before the Open – was key and helped them to have excellent performances. 
This goes back to my original point of Nutrition being the foundation of the CrossFit Pyramid, and how two already excellent athletes helped themselves to make further improvements by fine tuning their eating habits (in addition to drinking enough water and getting their sleep as required in our Challenge). 
My takeaway is this – if you are not seeing results and are feeling a bit stagnant in wods as of late, I’d recommend that maybe take a look at your nutrition and be mindful of whether you are eating those veggies or eating enough real foods. And if you really want a bit of motivation, I’d recommend giving a listen to Ben Bergeron’s April 8th podcast “Danger Foods” as it will definitely inspire you to want to eat cleanly and/or make small food choice changes that can lead to big results!! 
Thanks for reading as always! 
Coach Julia 
