Wednesday 5/15/19


6 Rounds
Every 3 Minutes:
14/10 Calorie Row,
11 Ten Meter Side Shuffles,
12 Push Press 95/65.
Athletes should have 45 seconds to
1 minute rest each round. Score is total reps.

Tuesday Night Musings By Coach Jess.

Which Way Are You Moving Your Needle? 

You guys and gals!

I left my Wednesday night of coaching feeling completely inspired by our community. As I let my mind wander, I thought this would be a great way for me to share some of my thoughts. 

First of all, I’m super excited that we have a new member…who happens to own Jack’s Donuts (I must be living right:) And he was so generous to bring in a box for us to have at the 5:00 a.m. wod! And when they weren’t all gone at the end of my night of coaching, it was just impressive to me as I saw some of us enjoy this treat and I saw others hold off on that day – and I see this often at our different parties and events where it’s pretty awesome when people balance out the fun of bringing in treats with moderation and balanced choices of when to have that treat or not! 

Also, I see Brandon Tuckett grinding, almost every night before class….slowly… to achieve his goal of strengthening his back. Not talking about it all too much unless asked – just simply doing. Setting an example without even probably knowing it.

Also, while I was coaching, I saw Azure supporting her dad Cason in death by 10 meter sprints and I think he beat most of us:) And I saw Dakota supporting his mom Kim at the 6:30 pm wod and guess what…she crushed it to. 

Other examples include that I know a couple personally at the box – fighting and clawing to be completely out of debt. And Julia is a superwoman to two boys and an incredible career. I don’t think she sleeps, but still manages to be featured in “Business Insider”, and get into Helo for workouts. Moreover, I have seen Stanton transform his body and confess how hard it has been.  And the list could go on and on and on. 

So, what was my conclusion to all of this? Well, we have people all around us (lots more of these examples that all the coaches and members could brag about) that are willing to do what it takes to achieve their goals. Willing to grind and sacrifice. We have people willing to: forego a treat sometimes, come in early and fix a nagging issue, set an example for their children, and/or get up at 4:30 AM to get in their wod at Helo. 

No one succeeds by accident, no one accidentally gets fit, runs a marathon, or ends up financially independent. And by the same token no one ends up bankrupt by accident, or out of shape by accident. We are moving a needle every day either forward or backward. Our small choices determine who we are, and what our lives will eventually become. It makes me inspired to see these little ones get excited about exercise because what we are teaching by example goes way beyond a wod or sprints. I think we are quite literally changing our family tree. 

So this week ask yourself: Are you willing to pay a price to win? 

Thanks for reading! 


Coach Jess
