Wednesday 7/17/19


5 Rounds:
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats With Dumbbell 50/35,
5 L-Sit Pull-Ups,
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats With Dumbbell 50/35,
20 Jumping Lunges.
15 Minute Time Cap.

Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Jess.

More is Caught than Taught…

One of my favorite things about CrossFit, and more importantly our box is the emphasis on family and fitness. There is something so magical to me about seeing our kids watch US work out, see US eat healthy, and essentially improve their lives by watching US in our fitness element. I love the phrase “more is caught than taught”. As it relates to parenting that phrase is basically saying “lecture, and try to tell your kids everything in the word – but….they will watch you and they will look to you to see how adults act”. We become our parents…. scary right? 

When we tell our kids we are going to CrossFit,when we show our kids healthy eating, and when they sit on the stairs and see us struggle through a workout we are letting them “catch” our healthy habits. Even if we don’t say anything at all – what they see will literally change their lives. That is powerful stuff!

I was not lucky enough to have parents that showed me healthy choices or food or exercise. In their defense -they just didn’t know. In college I wanted to lose weight and thought a diet of only cranberry juice and muffins was healthy. True story – I was clueless, I didn’t know. 

If you go to Helo you have this unique opportunity to show your kids what they might not learn in school, what they probably won’t learn at grandma’s house and what will transform their lives. Health! How many of us have seen a kid of one of our CrossFit athletes do a wall ball, burpee, or pushup? Pretty sure we didn’t sit down and teach them a burpee or wall ball. Guess what…. they probably saw it. They watched it, and they imitated it.

When we eat healthy in front of our kids and tell them it’s so fantastic to fuel their body, and it makes you feel good when you put vegetables and protein in your belly. They won’t associate “healthy” food as some sort of punishment. They might not catch that salmon or asparagus now, but they might catch it later. Take your kids on a run with you, talk to them about healthy food, and more importantly let them “watch” you. Don’t punish them with healthy food, don’t punish them with exercise. Tell them how great you feel when you exercise, tell them how much better you feel when you eat healthy. 

It makes me amped up because it’s so cool that we are building a library of knowledge to pass down to generations. Our kids are going to know SO MUCH more than we knew. If you don’t have kids, maybe it’s a niece, or nephew you can influence. Maybe it’s a parent, maybe a sibling. Let someone catch your health. Let those habits rub off on someone else! We have the power to change our families by letting others just watch what we already do, and that’s pretty freakin exciting!

Thanks for reading! 


Coach Jess 
