Wednesday 7/19/17


4 Rounds for time:
400 Meter carry.
Pick something heavy up and carry
it.  Athletes may not carry the same
object twice.  Kettlebells, Sandbags,
Loaded bars, Dumbbells, Wallballs,
Boxes, or anything else you can think
of.  it should be heavy or challenging.

Attention: Our First Annual CrossFit Helo Golf Tournament will be on Saturday, August 12th at 4 p.m.! Stef Bloxham brought in an envelope and it’s $25 per person, that covers 9 holes, a cart, and some money will go towards prizes.  Stef also made up a sheet where you rate your golf game – 1 – mostly par or better, 2 – half par half bogey, 3 – mostly bogeys, 4 – mostly double bogeys, 5 – I have no clue what a bogey is:):) There will be no picking your own team! 
