“Fight Gone Bad”
Wall balls 24/14,
Sumo Deadlift high-pulls 75/55,
Box jumps 20,
Push press 75/55,
Calorie row.
It is 3 rounds for reps with a 1 min break between rounds.
Attention: We now have a rough outline of the times of the heats/events for the Retro Games athletes who will be competing this weekend. If you are interested in watching on Friday or Saturday, just speak with Alecio for details, as there are two different locations for the events. Also, we want to say a big congratulations to one of our members, Hunter Neal, as he made the Utes swim team this past week. He was the only walk-on to be picked for the team and he is also a true Freshman. He came in and let us know his great news which is is pretty amazing! Well done!!